Nov 7, 2011
Acres Tour Journal, Entry 2
Thursday, November 3rd, 9:00 am, Kamloops I wake up beside Dan Ball, a spectacle only a few people will witness in a lifetime. I take a cold shower against my will and head out into the morning to get a coffee and a paper. I return to find the boys heading to the Howard Johnson “Breakfast Room” where it seems all of the guests in the hotel have migrated to for free cereal and home-made waffles, a true gift. The room is more like a dimly-lit underground, poker-room than a breakfast nook, but the people are much friendlier. I eat bran flakes and Lewis questions the integrity of the waffle batter, convinced it was originally for pancakes. We cram ourselves into the van with our new honorary member, Kelly “Big >> read more
Nov 7, 2011
Acres Tour Journal, Entry 1
Wednesday, November 2nd, 7:00am, Victoria The tour starts off like every other Acres tour; hungover, operating on one hour of sleep, the band itself is prepared but as individuals IN the band, we are positive-thinking wrecks and we always seem to leave all our shit to the very last minute. It’s kind of one of those things that makes a tour what it is from the beginning; that rushed, groggy state of mind where you are pretty much a zombie with an expressed purpose, like being late for class. You barely function, but somehow manage to get everything in order in a matter of minutes. In my morning panic of last minute packing and preparation, I realize I have misplaced my wallet during last night’s celebration with friends, pop-punk sing-alongs >> read more
Jun 7, 2011
Studio Log: Day 2 – Drums
Day two at Infinity Studios and we’re already starting to act like 8 year old kids the first time they learned a curse word. Getting into the studio now requires you to utter obnoxious passwords that would make your grandmother blush. Song lyrics are in the process of being rewritten to the tune of Rodney Dangerfield stand up act. Basically we’re really starting to “bond” with Adam again. Not a whole lot of excitement to report in this edition, other than we successfully laid down drum tracks on four more songs. That brings the song count up to seven, leaving three more songs for Lewis to pound out tomorrow. We’ve been recording lots of video of the whole process, so once we’re done in the studio stay tuned to our >> read more
Jun 5, 2011
Studio Log: Day 1 – Drums
Three years, 50,000 kms, and 100+ shows later… we’re finally back in the studio to record our sophomore album! It’s been a pretty gloomy spring around Victoria this year, but today mother nature decide to honour our first day in the studio by bringing us the kind of summer weather normally reserved exclusively for TV beer commercials. It’s just a shame that people decided to build recording studios indoors, because today would have been a great day to spend time doing some of the things that inspire songs to be written: like BBQ’ing in the backyard, sipping cold drinks with friends on a downtown patio, or maybe even participating in something called the Good Ol’ Boys Invitational Beer Mile. We’re excited to be working on this album with our friend >> read more
Aug 21, 2009
Summer Tour Entry #11: Rain, rain, go away
Saturday, August 15th/09, The Zoo, Winnipeg MAN It began to rain last night and did not stop. It was like the scene in Forrest Gump when the platoon’s walking through the jungle, unaware of the danger until “someone turned off the rain and the sun come out.” It was kind of similar, except it only lasted 24 hours and less bullets jumped up and bit us. It was wet and we slept in the van again, beside a set of, at what we percieved as, “out of service” railroad tracks. Turns out they were still very “in service” and realized we had parked a little too close, not that anyone noticed, except for Lewis, who was the only one who didn’t sleep right through it. Apparently, while we were sleeping, >> read more