Acres Tour Journal, Entry 5

Quote of the day:

“So, let’s have a hand for that comet that didn’t hit us, huh?”

– Andrew, Ten Second Epic

Wednesday, November 9th, 12:00pm, Calgary

We wake up from a blur of a night before spent exploring the streets of Calgary, an excellent performance by the Dojo Workhorse at the Ironwood, and drinking tequila with our glorious host, Kelly. It was quite the night full of our friends in The Dudes, and to this day I still get a little giddy when I talk to those boys. Call me starstruck, they’re just that good, and handsome too. Watching Bob play slide guitar and their drummer Scott is always a treat. “Tightest drummer in Alberta,” to quote Dan, the singer. I find that you don’t come across bands like these every day, ones that grew up together playing music, and it shows through their songwriting. It creates such a genuine live feel and groove that can’t be recreated in any other capacity, simple, classic rock songs layered with dozens of beautiful voices, guitar solos, a cello and stories about life on the road, growing up on the streets of Calgary and breaking hearts. Really what else do you look for in a rock band? Dojo gave us more than we could have asked for. It was a real pleasure, let me tell you.

5:00 pm

Tonight we play at Republik on 17th ave, with our new friends and drinking pals, Ten Second Epic. We also had the privilege of playing with some great locals, “Go For The Eyes,” a groovy piano-rock band with a wonderful female vocalist in bright red pants, and “For The Weekend,” a ‘Disband’ pop-punk gem who brought the house down. Lewis puts on his new kick-drum skin and we feel accomplished. We muse over thoughts of having guitar-techs, stage-lights and pyrotechnics one day and sigh in unison, then laugh ourselves silly. The venue is cold and damp, but soon it fills with bodies of enthusiastic show-goers and old friends. Our friend Devon Likethesong even shows her pretty face and buys us a beer. It had been way too long, and congrats to her! She is wonderful. The show goes great and our song “Reaction” is definitely a crowd favourite. Our acoustic song is even starting to go over a little better and this pleases me. It is becoming a favourite moment in our set, but we still find it a little difficult to bring the momentum down and then right back up again without lag. A work in progress. Ten Second Epic kills it after our set. I get childish goosebumps when they play their song “Welcome to wherever you are.” I try stare into Andrew’s eyes for a tense moment but don’t get the desired reaction. Soon enough, I tell myself.

1:00 am

We are back at Kelly’s house soon after the show, drinking beers and watching “Spinal Tap,” an obvious band staple when touring, as are “The Simpsons” and “Wayne’s World” and “Dumb and Dumber” for some strange reason. Actually, not strange at all. It makes sense. They’re all genius and were the most quotable works of art in our young lives. I fall asleep and my phone pocket dials the police. They call me back minutes later when no one answers on my end. I snap awake and answer and they ask me if I am okay. I say “Yes, we’re fine. Everything’s fine here. How are you?” The operator asks me if this was an accidental call. I say “Probably.” She does not sound impressed as she tells me to never do that again. I do this in every city at least once when I go on tour. It will soon fit under the already existing Acres of Lions tour category “Pulling a Jeff.”